San Sebastian Church


Did you know that this building is located in a neighbourhood known as La Enfermería? The church has a strong connection with this name. Come and visit it and know all the ins and outs that relate it to the neighbourhood.

San Sebastian church is located at General Castaño street, and it was built at the end of the 16th century. If you look carefully at it, you will check that it has an interesting Modernist style lateral facade on which a Baroque belfry from the 18th century is raised.

Although it is considered a filial church of the Nuestra Señora del Carmen parish nowadays, it is really a chapel and its first reference in relation to the other chapels of Montoro dates back to 1579.

Regarding the relationship between the church and the name of Enfermería, it is due to the fact that this building was assigned to a hospital for plagues in St. Francisco Solano times, who, together with Buenaventura Monk cared for many patients of the bubonic plague or the black death which devastated the town in 1583.


What is the church like?

Before your visit, we inform you that you will be in front of a Gothic-Mudejar church with a basilica-based design. Its structure shows changes and added elements carried out throughout the 17th and 18th centuries.

Once you come in, you will see that it has three naves with a top flat part where there are: the Sacristy, the presbytery with a small chapel in the centre, the Tabernacle Chapel and the main altar which is chaired by Ntra. Sra. De las Angustias.

The naves have four sections and they are separated by thick octagonal pillars that support some rounded arches.


At present

This church is devoted to worship, but it causes impressed expressions during the afternoon of the Good Friday, it is the place from which some brotherhoods such as the Main images of the Stmo. Cristo de la Misericordia and Ntra. Sra. de las Angustias Brotherhood and the Sacramental del Santo Sepulcro Brotherhood start their penitential procession.


C/ Gral. Castaños, 11


Miércoles: 9h a fin de la Eucaristía (9:40 h aprox.)
Sábado: 18h a fin de la Eucaristía (18:40 h aprox.)

