General Information

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Are you thinking about visiting Montoro? From years gone by, many poets, writers and thinkers have made reference to Montoro as the Andalusian Toledo. Here, we help you with all the information you need to know:

The weather

The weather in Montoro is mediterranean and warm, which makes possible to have an enjoyable visit throughout the year. Check it in real time.

The weather in Montoro:

Bank holidays

The town of Montoro holds a great tradition and history in its local holidays; a melting pot of cultures, artistic and religious events that reaches present times as events of tourist appeal.

Calendar of festivities

The events in Montoro are distributed throughout the calendar, which is a reflection of the roots and customs of this village. You will find an activity to attend at any time of the year which is organized by associations, public participation or government bodies. Here you can find them monthly organized:

5th January: Parade of the Three Wise Men

Beginning of Lent
Ash Wednesday


Last Sunday of April: Romeria of Ntra. Sra. De la Fuensanta

Throughout the month: Festivity of the Patios
First week of May: May Crosses
Second half of May: Fair of Olive Oil (Every 2 years)
30th May: Romeria of San Fernando

Weekend before 16th July: Festivity in honour of Ntra. Sra. Del Carmen
16th July: Processional march of Ntra. Sra. del Carmen
Weekend before 26th July: Festivity in honour of Santa Ana and San Joaquin
26th July: Processional marches of San Joaquin and Santa Ana

23rd August: Festivity in honour of San Bartolome
24th August: Processional march of San Bartolome


First week of October: Cattle Fair
7th- 12th October: Fair and Festivities in honour of Ntra. Sra. del Rosario
7th October: Processional march of Ntra. Sra. del Rosario


Tourist Office

We strongly recommend you to access to the tourist office for a better advice on your visit to Montoro.

Visiting hours:

Monday to Friday: 9:30 am – 3 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am – 13:00 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am – 14:00 pm

Address: Corredera Street, number 19, Montoro, Cordoba, 14600


Contact phone number: + 34 957 160 089

24-hour Pharmacies

Check here the 24-hour pharmacy in Montoro which is available for you to be attended. They usually have rotating shifts to guarantee continuous attention to the citizen.

Useful phone numbers

Emergencies: 112

Health emergencies: 061

Civil Guard: 062 / + 34 957 160 037

Local Police: + 34 650 445 248 / 092

Town Hall: + 34 957 160 425

Fire Station: + 34 957 336 080

Taxi Station: + 34 957 160 349

Andalusian Health Service – Administration of Health Centre in Montoro: + 34 957 199 738

Tourist Office: + 34 957 160 089


If you come from anywhere in Spain, you will not have any problem. If you live abroad, you will be also able to access to primary healthcare with the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

To make a prior appointment: 957 199 738

Emergency appointment: 902 505 061

Emergencies: 061 – 112