Stately houses


Blazons, coats of arms, typical molinaza pediments… It is the perfect opportunity for you to appreciate these symbols at first hand that you will not find in another town.

On your journey of the historical centre of Montoro, you will see many of these houses with decorated facades embellished with coats of arms and other related typical elements.


Why do these coats of arms exist?

The coats of arms dates back to the 12th century in order to distinguish between the knights who showed greater courage in the field of battle and Muslims.

This type of coat of arms was usually placed in the Casas Solariegas, that is to say, in the noble and rich people residence who saw Montoro as the ideal place to build their regular residence.

These buildings have stood the test of time and they allow us to learn first hand how the wealthy of the 18th century lived. These small palaces breath history due to there are signs of time in their walls, in each of their grills, doors or windows.

There are many old houses with 16th – 19th century facades. To mention some, we would like to highlight the one next to the head of the San Bartolomé Church, which has four stone blazons from different periods on the facade -two of them are from the 17th century and two more are from the transition to the neoclassical period-.


What type of coats of arms can you find?

There is a wide range of coats of arms that you will be able to admire in your visit. One of the characteristics that has caught more the attention of art historians who have participated in the analysis of some of these noble emblems is the use and frills of the helmets placed on the box of the shield.

In the same way, many of these experts have stated that some descents do not correspond to those represented in the different parts of the emblem.

Likewise, you will also find religious inventions such as the one located in Bartolomé Camacho street, which represents the quotation: “of the Truth of life with the keys of Saint Peter”.

However, you cannot miss the list of houses we have collected for you to complete your visit successfully.

You may be interested in: list of Stately houses

Some of the most significant examples are on the front pages of the houses located in:

Stately house – Balconada Plaza de España

Stately house – Postigo, 2

Stately house – Manuel Criado Hoyo, 4

Stately house – Álvaro Pérez, 2

Stately house – Diego Medina, 2

Stately house – Antonio Garijo, 9

Stately house – Antonio Garijo, 17

Stately house – Antonio Garijo, 19

Stately house – Bartolomé Camacho, 4

Stately house – Bartolomé Camacho, 6

Stately house – Coracha, 10

Stately house – Coracha, 37

Stately house – Coracha, 20

Stately house – Domingo de Lara, 12

Stately house – Grajas, 25

Stately house – Luís de Siles, 5

Stately house – Luís de Siles, 7

Stately house – Marchantes, 20

Stately house – Mártires, 11

Stately house – Rosario, 22

Stately house – Salazar, 1

Stately house – Salazar, 6

Stately house – Salazar, 21

Stately house – Santiago, 30

Stately house – Santos Isasa, 43

Stately house – Sor Josefa Artola/sn

Stately house – Plaza España, 21

Stately house – Plaza España, 5

Stately house – Plaza de Jesús, 9

Stately house Plaza de Jesús /sn

Here you can see its location: