Montoro Tower


Take advantage of your stay in Plaza de España to observe this characteristic building of Montoro which you will able to see from any point of the town.

As you can see, this neoclassical building has three structures.


What was its structure?

The first structure began to be built next to the Sacristy of San Bartolome Church. This block belonged to the first terrace, in whose top there were two arches, in one of them there were two bells with an inscription of 1475 of the Catholic Kings and in the other one there were five bells.


The tower as you see it

Later, it was order to demolish it and the two left bodies were built in the 19th century,. These are of the same structure, and they have four arches. The second structure contains the clock and the last one holds an octagonal dome. Its inside is not currently accessible.


Plaza de España



