Santiago Apostol Church


We do recommend you to go by the contrast and the peculiarity of this architectural jewel.

Santiago Apostol Church, or commonly known as Santiago Church, is located at Santiago street. They both the building and the street have the same name so it will be very easy for you to remember it. Additionally, the street comes from the right side of Plaza de España – taking as a reference point La Segadora statue-.

The origin of Santiago church starts on the guard door of the wall defended by the knights of the Order of Santiago, where they probably had a small hermit’s cave.


What is the church like?

When you arrive at your destination, you will see that you are in front of a church consisted of a single nave with a baroque dome over the main chapel. It has two facades, being the main one from the period before the side one, which dates back to 1730.


What is about its past?

The religious temple has a rebuilt side part, because Santiago church threatened to fall in the 18th century.

The images that were inside the building at that time had to be evacuated to San Bartolome Church, and they had the opportunity to return to this building in 1732 approximately.

Shortly after and coinciding with the arrival of the Franciscans of San Francisco del Monte to Montoro, the Passion of Christ was raised through the creation and regulation of the Santa Vera Cruz Brotherhood.

Every Holy Thursday the images finished their parade at this place organizing the penitential procession of the different religious temples and chapels of Montoro.

Afterwards, the building also threatened to fall in the mid-twenties of the 20th century and it suffered the consequences of the conflict significantly during the Civil War.

Once the war was over, specifically in 1945, the Council for Devastated Regions and Repairs, -a body created by Franco’s government- gave value to the building. However, the church was not used to celebrate masses.

At present, it is adapted to receive the Main carvings of the Santa Vera Cruz Brotherhood during Holy Week time which have their penitential procession on the afternoon of the Holy Thursday.


C/ Santiago, 38


Cerrado provisionalmente

